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Free Mental Health Checkup in NGO Sai Sahara

Free Mental Health Checkup in NGO Sai Sahara, 24th June 2023

The Department of Psychiatry, HIMSR and HAHC Hospital, New Delhi organized a free mental health checkup camp in Sai Sahara Old Age Home, Raja Garden, New Delhi on 24th June 2023 on the request of honorable Medical Superintendent of HAHC Hospital. Sai Sahara Old Age Home is a nongovernmental- non profitable organization registered with Government of NCT Delhi bearing the registration number S51476 since 2005, running on rented premises with the help of few handful donors. The organization is currently not getting any fund from either government or private sector.

The organization is run by Dr. Rajeshwari Mishra, Secretary Head, who manages the expenses incurred for smooth running of the old age home. This includes rent of the premises, salary of staff members, electricity bill, groceries and basic needs.

Currently, there are 14 inmates (4-ladies and 10 gents) of different socio- economics status from different parts of the country, suffering from mental illness. Along with these there are four staff members who stay there 24/7 and serve the inmates.

Patient consultation was done by Dr. Nimmi A Jose (HOD) and Dr Dimple Gupta (Senior Resident), Department of Psychiatry HIMSR and HAHC Hospital New Delhi. Patients were on ongoing treatment. Their documents were reviewed and treatment was revised accordingly. “Individual sessions” of patients were taken in which current problems of the patient’s coping with staying away from home, stress management and aggression due to some stressors and behavioral changes were discussed. They were guided for proper activity scheduling, keeping himself/herself busy in some productive activities like reading, writing and involving in physical activities and doing regular relaxation exercises as well.


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